Tokyo Olympics 2020 : No time for disappointment, have to focus on Bronze medal match, says skipper Manpreet Singh.

Tokyo Olympics 2020 : No time for disappointment, have to focus on Bronze medal match, says skipper Manpreet Singh.

Tokyo: The 2-5 misfortune to Belgium in the Olympic semi-finals on Tuesday is disillusioning however Indian men’s hockey group skipper Manpreet Singh and star overseer PR Sreejesh said the side has no an ideal opportunity to harp on the disaster as it needs to pull together for the bronze award play-off on Thursday.

The eight-time victors of Olympic gold, the remainder of which returned way in 1980, missed the mark against title holders Belgium, losing 2-5 in the semi-finals on Tuesday.

“It is actually hard on behalf of me immediately since we accompanied a triumphant attitude, however sadly we didn’t dominate the sport . Presently we need to zero in on our next bronze-award match and we need to work and we need to get the decoration,” Manpreet said after the misfortune.

“It’s an amazing privilege for us arriving at the semi-last get-togethers long time, yet presently I think we need to center on the grounds that the following match will be truly significant for us. Essentially we should win a bronze award for the country,” he added.

The captain said having worked difficult throughout the previous five years to arrive at this level, India merited a superior outcome on Tuesday.

“It’s constantly been difficult work and harmony. This group has been together for the last four or five years. We have endeavored to arrive at this level. We merit better, and tragically we were unable to get it today.”

Sreejesh concurred with his captain and said the misfortune against Belgium is a relic of times gone by now and the group needs to zero in on getting back with a decoration from here.

“Disillusioned, yet you don’t have the opportunity to stress over that. You need to disregard that and ponder what’s to come. Presently we actually get an opportunity to win an award and that is more significant for us than crying as of now,” he said.

“We should contemplate the longer term , watch the match, ponder where we lost, where we submitted the errors, redress that, and continue on,” added.

Senior India protector Rupinder Pal Singh also feels that everything isn’t lost in the continuous Games for them.

“Obviously it’s grievous for us, arriving at the semi-last following 41 years and that we were here to win a gold decoration. That was our point, however we lost today. The extraordinary thing is we get an opportunity to complete third in the following game so we will zero in on that,” he said.

Rupinder accepts a decoration from Tokyo will be huge for the game back in the country.

“On the off chance that we win that, it’ll be for us because it were. Obviously there are a many individuals behind this and supporting us. However, we will win for us first and afterward (every other person). That is an extraordinary inspiration, as well,” the tall drag-flcker said.

Rupinder credited group’s self conviction for its accomplishment in Tokyo.

“That is the difficult work behind it and the conviction. That is the main thing behind (us) coming to here. I feel like the more youthful folks are buckling down for us and we are changing over acceptable possibilities.

“We got to slave for the subsequent game.”

Manpreet and Sreejesh, in the mean time, were likewise in wonder of the ladies group’s accomplishment in the continuous Games and wished the side karma for the lady semi-last debut against Argentina on Wednesday.

“They played a stunning game against Australia. We hope everything works out for them of karma for their semi-last (against) Argentina. I trust they win,” Manpreet said.

Sreejesh added: “That is an incredible wake-up. The initial three matches they lost, yet the young ladies battled truly well and won the last three matches, which was so pivotal for them.

“The previous match, disturbing Australia, that was an extreme call and that i think the young ladies are sufficiently intense to win a decoration during this competition.”

Sreejesh applauded Belgium’s Alexander Hendrickx, who had a significant effect by scoring a full go-around to bring the Red Lions into the Olympic semi-finals for the second sequential time.

“He (Hendrickx) consistently scores at the ideal opportunity. That gives the group more certainty. I think the subsequent objective was a piece my misstep, yet, the manner in which he flicks the ball it is consistently somewhat intense for a goalkeeper,” he said.

India will confront the losing group from the other semi-last, among Australia and Germany, in the bronze decoration play-off match on Thursday.

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