Suvinder Vicky plays a cop in Netflix’s upcoming show, Kohrra

Netflix’s new show Kohrra will tell a story about a world full of strong feelings, revealed secrets, and families and love facing challenges. This story takes place in Punjab, where a person from another country is killed right before their wedding. Suvinder Vicky plays the character of Balbir, a police officer, in the movie. Balbir is trying to solve a murder case while dealing with his own difficult personal life.
Suvinder talks about the problems he had while acting as Balbir. He says the first problem was when he had to hit Harleen. Before filming this part, I said sorry to her just in case I accidentally caused her any pain.
He says, “The second scene was when my wife remembered something from the past. We had to focus completely on our characters and be fully involved in the present moment, even if it meant feeling a little unsure or not completely steady. To make it look real, we even let our nails grow long to show how we felt, and we agreed ahead of time that if we accidentally hurt each other, we would say sorry. The scene was so captivating that it completely drew our attention into it.

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